Build a rock solid business built on recurring revenue.
Contractors, Freelancers, and Fractionals -
Is Your Day Rate Holding You Back?
  • Do you find yourself working tirelessly to secure a steady income, often on short-term contracts with little job security?
  • Are you afraid to share the workload with other contractors, fearing that it might upset your clients?
  • If you resonate with these challenges, you’re not alone, and we’re here to help.
The Challenges You Face -
  • Tech contractors like you often undervalue themselves due to a mindset misalignment.
  • You might have believed that contracting provided freedom and control, but in reality, you’re still tied to your clients and their contracts.
  • You work tirelessly on single-client contracts, living with the constant anxiety that comes with project uncertainty.
  • Taking holidays is stressful and unpaid, leaving you feeling trapped.
  • Scaling your business feels impossible, and you’re at the mercy of your clients, telling you how to work.
If this sounds familiar, it’s time for a change.
The Solution:
Your Unbeatable Offer.
What is an Unbeatable Offer?
An unbeatable offer is your path to freedom and flexibility.
It’s a way to stop selling yourself and your time.
It’s a way to design a set of consulting products and a customer journey that leverages your experience that benefits you and your clients.
It enables you to serve multiple clients and create a scalable business that puts client outcomes first.
With an Unbeatable Offer...
  • Attracting new clients becomes easy
  • Working with you becomes a natural next step
  • Taking on a new client does not take all of your time – instead, you have a business that you can scale
  • Clients no longer ‘own’ you – instead they value the service you provide and remain a loyal customer.
Take the Next Step
So, what next?
If you think this could be the solution to your consulting challenges, we invite you to book in a free 15 minute call below.
It’s a fast paced call that will help you get clarity on an alternative business model and the scaling possibilities for your business.
If we think we can help you, we will book in a longer call to build out an Unbeatable Consulting Roadmap.
And if we don’t think it’s a good fit, chances are we can still point you in the right direction, so you really having nothing to lose and everything to gain.

What our Clients Say

" When I met Matt, I was floundering. I knew I wanted to keep running my own business, but no longer wanted to contract.

Since joining the program, we've come up with my consulting niche, started to productise and brought on subcontractors.

Matt has been there every step of the way from helping me set a vision to holding my hand through my first proper B2B sales calls. "

-- Meredith M

" The programme has provoked a lot of necessary thought with respect ot what I actually want from my business, where I want to be and how I will get there.

This need to be thought through and you've helped me do this in a practical fashion.

The accountability has helped motivate me in moving forward and reduce procrastination without demanding too much of my time. "

-- James S

" I worked with Matt to define a new set of consulting products, for which a shift in my underlying commercial approach and mindset were necessary.

Matt consistently asked the right (and often difficult) questions to challenge me where required and keep my business on track. "

-- Stuart T

" Matt's experience in the tech world, combined with his analytical approach makes him extremely valuable.

He's a friendly and supportive coach, but more importantly, I know that he knows what he's talking about.

Every time he tells me to do something, and I do it, it works. "

-- Helen R